Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Milkshake Monday

I thought I'd let everyone know that the best day of the week to eat at Bromley, Milkshake Monday, is fast approaching. It's pretty self-explanatory. Before, during or after you eat, pick up a milkshake. You can find them where the ice cream is served, across from the burger stand.

Now, because this is the dining hall we're talking about, you can toss your normal expectations for milkshakes out the window. In other words, they're not that great. In my opinion, they're a poor-man's Frosty from Wendy's. Nevertheless, every week, everyone I know is visibly excited about Milkshake Monday (Again, I think this speaks more to the shoddy quality of the DH food than how good the shakes are). But I'm only one person, so I conducted an informal poll of students on my floor in Bromley.

"Milkshakes are one of the highlights of the dining hall week," said Zach Schwab, my roommate. "I think they taste like Frosty's from Wendy's. They're solid milkshakes. They compare to something you could buy somewhere."

"To be honest with you," my friend Dan Kraft said, "they taste pretty bad. They're a step below the milkshakes you can get at a UDF (United Dairy Farmers)."

"It depends who's making (the milkshakes)," Ben Brierly, a sophomore, said. "Sometimes they're really good and sometimes they're bad. They're definitely better than some of it (other stuff at the DH), because I don't like some of the dining hall food."

So there you have it. Reactions are mixed. Although it's hard to provide a definitive rating for the shakes, I think it's safe to say that they are, as Schwab said, a highlight of the dining hall week.

Stay tuned for more posts, including a the recipe for a sandwich called the "Maniac Maley."


  1. try to stray from interviewing friends and roommates. they're easy "credibility targets." it seems like you just grabbed whoever you thought would agree with your opinion.

    why not ask someone you don't know? or ask dining hall employees? by now, it's time to find an alternative opinion of the food (or milkshakes!).

    having never had one (really), I would prefer to hear you describe them. are they thick or runny? teeth-freezing cold or melting? what's the best flavor? the Wendy's comparison is flat and non-descrip. show us a picture. if you don't have a camera, give us a verbal illustration.

    also, I would love to hear your take on sandwiches!

  2. I have to say I disagree with the jab at UDF milkshakes. I have brought out of town friends to my local UDF for a hot fudge milkshake, and no one has been disappointed.

    I agree with the above comments on sourcing. Who you talk to is as important as what they say. You did take the disclosure really seriously, and I respect you for that. I wouldn't be making this critique if you weren't so honest and transparent.

    Are the milkshakes better frozen? I know that you can buy those frozen milkshakes at Kroger, and those have no similarities to what I get at Steak 'n Shake, but they sure do hit the spot.
